Monthly Archives: April 2015


My Kung Fu adventure around Southeast Asia is not only about learning and experiencing new things, but also about sharing the knowledge I've accumulated over my last 30 years of being immersed in the combative martial arts. With that in mind, I held my first Dirty Boxing Camp in the Philippines last weekend, April 25 [...]

By |2016-12-12T05:24:53+00:00April 28th, 2015|blog, Uncategorized, waa|1 Comment


My search of Southeast Asia for exotic martial arts knowledge recently took me to the University of the Philippines Diliman campus in Quezon City, Manila. There is an assistant professor of Cultural Anthropology there who's interests and studies include the anthropology of the martial arts. His name is Felipe Jocano Jr. and his martial arts [...]

By |2016-12-12T05:24:57+00:00April 23rd, 2015|blog, Uncategorized, waa|3 Comments


Today, my Kung Fu journey led me to Luneta Park, Manila Philippines where I trained in Kalis Ilustrisimo (KI) with the Sunday Luneta group. The followers of the late Mang Tony Diego gather here every Sunday as we did when Mang Tony was still alive. (Sadly, Mang Tony died last August.) These guys are keeping [...]

By |2015-04-19T10:07:41+00:00April 19th, 2015|blog, Uncategorized, waa|1 Comment


My 3 month journey around Southeast Asia begins in the Philippines. I'm staying in the heart of Metro Manila in Makati City. Here in Makati there is a group of Filipino Kali practitioners who call themselves KALI MAKATI. The group is lead by Master Kit Acenas, an expert in the art of Filipino Kali. Guro [...]

By |2016-12-12T05:24:57+00:00April 17th, 2015|blog, waa|1 Comment


Tomorrow I depart on a 3 month journey wandering around South East Asia barefoot doing Kung Fu like Kwai Chang Caine. (I even have the haircut.) The only difference... Instead of a horse, I'll have a surfboard! First stop, the Philippines to explore the local martial arts styles and systems... • Kali • Silat • [...]

By |2016-12-12T05:24:57+00:00April 10th, 2015|blog, Uncategorized, waa|4 Comments
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